Safety Tips

Please Help Us Help you

In the event of a fire, the Fire Dept must gain immediate access to water.  This is done in multiple ways.  We carry some water on our trucks, but that is just enough to get things going.  We get most of our water from the towns Hydrant System.  In the winter it can be challenging especially after a snow storm.  Please help us by saving us valuable time, and remove the snow from around any hydrants that are near your house.  

Time Changes Mean Battery Changes

Get in the habit of changing the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors every fall and spring when changing the clocks for Daylight Savings Time. It is also a good idea to make it standard procedure in your household to verify that all fire extinguishers are fully charged and in working order when you adjust the clocks each season.

Home Heating Tips

No matter what type of device you use to heat your home, making sure your heating devices and/or systems are in good working order is an important part of learning some fall fire safety tips. Many things can go wrong with heating equipment during the spring and summer months. Verify that everything you need to keep your home warm throughout fall and winter is in good working order before you experience the first cold snap of the season.

Central Heating System Safety Tips